Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A tale for the children

This is a family story that my father enjoys telling me...

When my dad was in highschool, he and my uncles and their friends would party...a lot. Sometimes after smoking and drinking a little too much they would decide that they wouldn't want to go to school the next day. So my uncle Bennet would climb up the electrical tower and short circuit it so that all the power in the town would shut off. This would cause all alarm clocks to not work and the school not be able to run. They would do this once in awhile, but one time my uncle was shutting it off, but something went wrong. He was electrocuted and fell 60 ft. on the hard ground. He died that night...

And that's why you should go to school and not cheat the system :)

1 comment:

Uncle George said...

that without a doubt, was the best story I have ever heard in my entire life!